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The new food lovers app redefining  the dining experience 

Writer's picture: Legend Magazine Legend Magazine

We've all done it before. Snap a photo of our food and post it on social media to show all of our friends and followers our dining experience but how would you like to actually be able to invite your friends nearby to join you and reserve your spot all from an app.

Well, Connectabl is giving you just that option!

When you share your location on the app, nearby friends and connections can also see that you're in the area and invite you to join them at the restaurant.

You can do more than share food photos; you can share the dining experience on Connectabl!

Restaurants will have an opportunity to be featured and or share their latest specials with customers in the area and invite app users directly.

How exactly will Connectabl help restaurant owners?

Well imagine you are in the area and kind of hungry, then you get a notification on your app that the owner of the mom and pop restaurant up the street just invited you for their lunch special! I mean you're already in the area and you were hungry, so you go!

This personal contact with food lovers through this app is predicted to be a gamer changer in the restaurant industry by Food Love Podcast on iHeartRadio.

With the Connectabl app soon to go live, according to Founder Crystal Evans , restaurant owners and food lovers alike are being encouraged to visit their website at


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